AAC Mining Executors Group, leadership team, approved and implemented policies, which are related to ISO standards under a comprehensive integrated management system (IMS) policy, in collaboration with its strategic direction and mandate, to include delivery of the following commitments:
- Fulfil the ISO OHSAS: 45001:2018, EMS: 14001:2015 and QMS: 9001:2015 requirements in itsservice delivery.
- Provides a framework for setting & reviewing IMS objectives.
- Satisfy applicable requirements in line with its compliance obligations.
- Continuous improvements and enhancement of performance of the integrated management system.
- Protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution, injury and ill health and other specific commitments relevant in context of the organization.

At AAC, we are dedicated to ensuring the well-being, safety, and health of our people. Our commitment to eliminating the possibility of fatal or serious injuries and ensuring our employees complete every shift injury-free is unwavering.
In order to achieve this, we
- Maintain a team of engaged and competent people ensuring they are trained as per their jobrole.
- Promote awareness of our critical risks as well as individual behaviors we expect continuously.
- Implement systems that support the mental and physical health.
- Communicate with our people about safety-related issues regularly to develop an open and safeculture.
- Review the risk-based safety management of the company and develop our safety and leadership programs to-
- Thoroughly investigate and report all incidents.
- Comply with industry standards as well as legislative obligations.
- Manage risks through the processes and skills applications.
- Celebrate success and monitor progress.
- Strive to achieve the best safety practices in underground mining through the quality of outcomes, safety, and people.
AAC Mining Executors Group is dedicated tominimizing the impact that our operations have on the environment. The environmental commitments of the organization are-
- Respect the conservation, heritage, and environmental values where we operate.
- Develop environmental management systems and comply with environmental legislation to improve our environmental performance.
- Reduce our trail by minimizing waste generation, water use, greenhouse emissions, and energy use.
- Minimize chemical spills, hydrocarbon, air emissions, dust, and noise. To achieve this, we
- Monitor, implement, and develop environmental management plans for every work location
- Train employees to monitor, manage, and recognize potential environmental impacts.
- Decommission, operate, and design all sites, which include any associated infrastructure for avoiding any adverse environmental effect.

AAC Mining Executors Group is committed to the best practice that undergoes mining services. Our business and operational activities are conducted within an IMS (Integrated Management Systems) environment to allow us to deliver reliable and consistent performance and drive reduced variability, optimization, and efficiency with an auditable and robust quality assurance framework.
In order to achieve this, we,
- Understand our client’s need and provide services and products that meet or exceed their demands consistently.
- Implement and design operational controls and rigorous systems, including documentedguidelines, templates, standard procedures, and policies.
- Improve and audit management systems and governance to ensure compliance with the ISO standards.
AAC Mining Executors Group acknowledges our role in contributing to the economic and social development of the community. We remain committed to maintaining and establishing positive and lasting relationships in our communities. To develop capabilities and skills to increase participation and identify career paths for the local people, we implement programs. We prefer local procurement of services and goods in line with our procurement standards in community infrastructure development projects.
We establish our commitment by:
- Acting as an authority in the communities we work
- Working together to create some positive outcomes, we understand the impacts of our actions on local communities.
- Engaging honestly, openly, and regularly with all stakeholders who are affected by our operations and incorporating feedback in the processes of decision making.
- Demonstrating respect for the rights, views, values, heritage, culture, and traditions of the members of the community we operate

AAC Mining Executors Group recognizes that a diverse workforce is important to achieving high levels of performance and our organizational capacity. Diversity includes family responsibilities, language, appearances, physical ability, education, cultural heritage, sexual orientation, gender, age, and place of origin.
Weare committed to establishing equal opportunity in our relationship with all our employees, which includes remuneration, promotion, professional development, training, and recruitment. We ensure that all aretreated fairly with dignity and respect, and that our workplace is free of discrimination, harassment, and bullying of any type.
Supporting an inclusive and welcoming workplace culture and promoting diversity is embedded in our values, and it is a key accountability of our Sub-contractors, employees, leaders, and managers.
AAC achieves these objectives by-
- Advancing and promoting the participation and employment of indigenous employees and women
- Managing and recruiting based on performance and competence and eliminating any kind of bias from decision-making
- Respecting and valuing the perspectives, experiences, and skills that each individual brings to the workplace.
- Creating a safe, productive, and inclusive work environment where every person feels welcome and comfortable.
AAC Mining ExecutorsGroup is committed to providing a collaborative and supportive place of work and maintaining a direct and open relationship with all our people in the places we work. We employ processes and systems to provide an engaged, productive, and competent dedicated to the efficient and safe operation of our businesses. Our leadership, training, and policies facilitate open working relationships with our employees.
We recruit competent, capable, and qualified people and manage our remuneration and employment processes in compliance with contractual and legal requirements, including relevant agreements and industry awards. Our people are fully trained and inducted to achieve needed competencies, and individual grievances are also solved timely.
The key employee relations objectives are:
- Providing a supportive and open work environment
- Create workplaces where our employees can work to their full potential and are highly engaged
- Instill a sense of purpose and build strong team morale in our employees
- Communicate with our employees and support them regularly to keep them connected and informed

AAC Mining Executors Group is committed to protecting personal information. We may collect personal information from our employees, suppliers, clients, and prospective employees in our day-to-day operations. Also, we may collect personal information from indirect sources like third-party recruitment, subcontractors, cookies, or websites. Personal information might include names, birth dates, and addresses. We will only disclose or use personal information for the primary purposes for which we collected it. The personal information of employees will be used only for purposes related to the relationship of employees.
If required, sensitive information may be collected for business purposes. This may include racial origins, health information, criminal record, or marital status and will be collected only with the prior consent of an individual.
Subject to prior consent and protective measures, we may disclose personal information whenever necessary, required, or authorized by law, which includes the overseas parties.
To assure the privacy of our personal information, our consultants, Sub-contractors, and employees will take steps as required by law:
- Take steps to ensure that the stored information is up-to-date and accurate
- Embed privacy protection into the information design handling practices for protecting personal information from loss, interference, or misuse
- Where data is no longer needed by law or for the key purpose it was obtained, de-identify, or destroy it
In the event we are aware of a data breach we will appropriately respond, access, and contain the breach as quickly as possible to minimize the potential effects for any affected individual. In the event of any Eligible Data Breach, in case we believe there is some serious risk of harm to any person, we work promptly and resolve issues to ensure that the affected individual and the relevant Supervisory Authority are notified.
An employee who believes that his/her personal information needs correction or is not compliant with the Privacy Policy must contact the Human Resource Team.